Winter Registration now open!
Signed in as:
Temperature Checks We ask that you temperature check your child prior arrival to the studio. Anyone with a temperature of over 100 degrees will not be permitted to attend that day.
Arrival - All dancers must arrive dressed in their dance class attire. Bathrooms permitted for toilet use and hand-washing.
Face Masks are currently optional unless your child has been exposed to someone with Covid-19 or other airborne illness, or if your child has any visible symptoms such as sneezing, coughing and runny nose. In these cases face masks must cover the nose and mouth at all times while inside the studio and student should maintain social distancing protocols. Please ensure your child's face mask has a proper fit to enable movement including jumps and turns without the face mask coming off the nose and mouth.
Dancer/Instructor/Staff Cleanliness All who enter the studio use CDC approved hand sanitizers. Bathroom sinks are available for hand washing for those who need it. Dancers and staff will sanitize during class after surfaces are touched and again prior to leaving.
Groups & Class Sizes are limited to no more than 15 and may be smaller based on age of dancers.
Dancers are socially distant as much as possible. Classrooms have floor markings reserving 6-8 feet distance between each dancer. Speak to your youngsters and to our director to communicate your comfort level about social distancing. Choreography can be adjusted if needed.
We require the use of hand sanitizers upon entry, during class and prior to dismissal.
Crafts & Props - Each dancer will have their own supplies designated for them so there is no need to share. We will only use props that can be shared if there is enough time to disinfect them in between use.
Snacks and Water Breaks - Dancers will sanitize before and after taking snacks. Snacks are permitted only if dancers are in back to back classes or mini-camp. All dancers will bring their own water bottle with their name clearly labeled, dance bag and shoes into the studio room and they and their belongings will be spaced apart along the walls. Our water fountains are closed right now. Dancers will be asked not to completely unmask for water breaks and snacks but rather to lift their mask up keeping their noses covered while ingesting water/snacks.
Quarantine Protocol If your dancer or a household member has been mandated to quarantine due to possible exposure to a Covid-19 case, please inform us and do not attend in-person classes until your household has completed quarantine and a negative PCR test as required by Westchester County and CDC Guidelines. All classes may be easily made up in person at another time as long as space is available and reserved . If your dancer or household member has symptoms relating to Covid-19, please alert us, keep your dancer at home, and test the individual with symptoms immediately. Please note Dance Works accepts PCR tests and does not accept the results of rapid tests. If a positive case is confirmed in your household, but the Dance Works student has not been affected, the student must wear a face mask and remain socially distant. If the student tests positive, they will need to quarantine according to Westchester County and/or local government guidelines.
Dance Works Coronovirus / Covid-19 Liability Waiver
Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability Related to Coronavirus/Covid-19.
To participate in all Dance Works classes, programs and events at all locations participants and participant's parents and legal guardians agree to the following:
1. I acknowledge the contagious nature of Covid-19 and the CDC and other government and public health authorities and that it is spread mainly from person to person.
2. I acknowledge that Dance Works has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
3. I/my child(ren) will not attend in-studio classes if at any time answering yes to any of the following questions:
- Have you had a fever of over 100 degree (f) in the last 24 hours before arriving to studio?
- Do you currently or recently had any respiratory or flu-like symptoms, sore throat, nausea, chills or shortness of breath?
- Have you been in close contact with anyone within 10 days who has been diagnosed with Covid-19.
4 I/we agree to follow New York State (NYS) Covid-19 protocol including NYS travel protocol and any Dance Works implemented procedures.
5. I/we voluntarily seek Dance Works services and assume any risk that my children/I may be exposed to or infected by Covid-19 by attending Dance Works classes and/or events and such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I understand that the risk of being exposed to or infected by Covid-19 may result from actions, omissions or negligence by the Director and others including but not limited to Dance Works instructors, independent contractors, volunteers, program participants and their families.
6. I/we voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to my child(ren) or myself including but not limited to personal injury, illness, disability, death, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense of any kind that i or my child(ren) may experience or incur in connection with my child(ren)'s attendance at Dance Works or participation in programing or events.
7. On my behalf and on behalf of my child)ren, I hearby release, covenant not to sue, discharge and hold harmless Dance Work, it's Director, Instructors, employees, contractors, agents and representatives of and from the Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs, or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto. I understand and agree that this release includes any claims, whether Covid-19 infection occurs before, during or after participation in any Dance Works program or event.
***Registered students are not permitted to participate without unless you accept and agree to all of the terms***
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